How to become a member ?

We hope you have enjoyed surfing on these pages.

Now that you know what is aiming at, you can join us and support Venice too. We would be delighted to welcome you.

Membership would allow you to receive the newsletter three times a year and a monthly e-news, to participate to events and trips to Venice and also disfruit of numerous advantages when visiting the Serenissima.

You care for Venice ? Then do something !
Do not wait anymore. Become a member of

It will cost you only € 50.- (individual membership) or € 100.- (family membership) the first year. This amount is even reduced to € 30.- and € 60.- respectively for subsequent years (uninterrupted membership).
Your fee can be paid on the following bank account :

CBC : 733-0170532-36
IBAN BE46 7330 1705 3236

with mention "membership + your name and surname".

Don't forget to fill in the form and send it back to us so that we can inform you of our activities and send you our News and

Grazie e buon viaggio a Venezia !